
Yoga is for Posers.


{Low Lunge Pose}

-Steps and Benefits

Anjaneya is the Sanskrit word which means “Son of Anjani” and Anjayneya is another name for Hindi God Hanuman in Hindu Mythology. Hanuman is Ram’s aide in Ramayana. God Hanuman helped lord Rama to get back Mata Sita from Ravana’s place called Lanka. Low Lunge Pose gets its name from the shape of body forms during asana. Anjaneyasana could be a complete package – it tones the body and calms the mind. You’re guaranteed to feel energized even when an intense low lunge exertion.

Preparatory Poses: – Utkatasana, Adho Mukha Svanasana, Virasana, Prasarita Padottanasana

Follow-Up Poses: – Virabhadrasana 1, Virabhadrasana 3.

Other Name: – Crescent Pose, Half Moon Pose in Sivananda Yoga, Low Lunge Pose.

Level: – Basic

Steps of the Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

  • Start the pose by getting into the pose of Adho Mukha Svanasana. When you are completely in the pose, breathe out and keep your right foot in forward direction beside your right hand.
  • Note that your right knee and your ankle are in parallel line.
  • Now slowly lower down your left knee and placed it on the ground or floor, right behind the hips.
  • Breathe in, and raise your torso; after that lift your arms above your head, in a way that your biceps are touching your ears, and combine your palms and make Namaskar gesture.
  • Breathe Out. Let your hips relax and forward, specified you are feeling a decent stretch within the frontal region of your leg and therefore the hip flexors.
  • Keep your tailbone towards the floor. Stretch your lower back as you have interaction your spine. Stretch your arms additional behind so your heart is pushed up. Look behind as you progress into the delicate acrobatic stunt.
  • Remain in the pose for 15 to 30 seconds. You may also lift up your knee of the back leg off the floor to perform a full Crescent pose.
  • For releasing the pose, keep your hands back to the floor and get back into the Adho Mukha Svanasana. Repeat the same process with your opposite leg also.

Benefits of the Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

  • Anjaneyasana makes the gluteus muscles and the quadriceps stronger.
  • It gives the hips and hip flexors a good stretch.
  • It opens up your shoulders, lungs, and chest.
  • Low Lunge Pose helps you improve your balance.
  • Increases your ability to concentrate and also builds core awareness.
  • Anjaneyasana helps relieve sciatica.
  • Low Lunge Pose stimulates the digestive and reproductive organs.
  • If you practice this asana regularly, your body will be toned and energized.

Scientific Aspects of the Anjaneyasana (Low Lunge Pose)

This Asana opens up the mid-section of body, lungs and heart. It likewise develops the warmth in the body and works amazingly well for the individuals who think that it’s difficult to adapt to icy climate. The opening up of the lungs tosses out all the bodily fluid, giving the lungs decent rinses.

To practice this Pose, you need a decent feeling of equalization, and your hips, crotch, and legs must be adaptable. This asana is again one of those beguiling looking ones that appear to be simple, however are very testing. This stance gives the hamstrings, crotch, quadriceps, and hips a decent extend, furthermore permits a full scope of movement in the lower body. This posture is ideal for cyclists and runners and profoundly benefits the individuals who have work area occupations.


Don’t perform this Asana in case of High B.P. and knee injuries. If you are suffering from shoulder problems then don’t raise your arms above your head. For this you could keep your hands on your thighs. Don’t look behind in neck problem.
Always Perform Asana in front of an expert person.