Baddha Konasana

Yoga is for Posers.

Baddha Konasana

{Bound Angle Pose}

Position: – Sitting.

Sanskrit Name: – Baddha Konasana.

English Name: – Bound angle Pose or Cobbler Pose.

-Steps And Benefits

The word “Baddha” stands for “Bound” in Sanskrit and the meaning of  Kona is “angle” or “split”, Asana means  “pose”, “posture or “seat”. This Asana is also known as cobbler pose. This pose is easy to do and suitable for everybody. Baddha Konasana stretches your groin and inner thighs. This is often a really helpful Asana for flexibility of the knees, ankles, feet and hips. It opens and will increase circulation to the girdle region. Thence this is often a really sensible prenatal exercise and might relieve in menstrual issues. Moving the body from side to side can massage your hips. Slowly moving your knees up and down is termed butterfly pose; and Baddha Konasana is the best variation of butterfly pose.

Steps of Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose or Cobbler Pose): –

  • Sit in the Dandasana (Staff Pose).
  • Now Bend your knees and join the soles of your feet.
  • Now hold your feet or ankles.
  • Move your heels to the groin as so much as doable.
  • Breathe out and let down your knees to the ground.
  • Your arms and shoulders should be relaxed.
  • Now press the sitting bones within the floor and let the crown of your head pointing towards ceiling to elongate the spine.
  • Press the sitting bones in the floor and let the crown of the head point to the ceiling to lengthen the spine.
  • Assume that your knees moving like the wings of the butterfly.
  • Hold this Pose for upto 2 minutes.
  • After that return in Dandasana (Staff Pose).

Benefits of Baddha Konasana (Bound Angle Pose): –

  • It stretches groin and inner thighs.
  • Increases the flexibility of knees, ankles, feet and hips.
  • Opens pelvic region.
  • Best prenatal exercise and relieves in menstrual issues.
  • Especially beneficial in urinary disorders.
  • Cut down the tension from the groin part and gap up the hips and inner thighs.
  • Beneficial for the lumbar region.
  • Useful in flat feet, high blood pressure.
  • Very beneficial in infertility and asthma.

Variations of Baddha Konasana: –

  • Supta Baddha Koṇāsana in lying down Position. Meaning of Supta is “Reclining” or “supine”.


Avoid this Asana if you’ve got injury within the hips, groin or knee region. You’ll use the wall for supporting the back if you are suffering from back problems.