
Yoga is for Posers.


{Wind-Relieving Pose}



Pawan = wind, air, gas

Mukta = relieve, release

Asana = posture, pose

The etymological meaning suggests that by performing this asana wind or gas (from abdomen) is released.

Technique of Pawanmuktasana:

From one leg alternatively

-Steps And Benefits

  • Lie down on your back with your feet together and hands by the side of your thighs.
  • Do not tighten your body just feel relaxed in this position.
  • Inhale and raise your left leg, exhale and bring your left knee towards your chest and press the thigh on your abdomen with clasped hands.
  • Breathe in again and as you exhale, lift your head and chest off the floor and touch your chin to your left knee.
  • Hold in there, as you take deep, long breaths in and out.
  • Try to be in this posture as long as possible.
  • Inhale and bring back your chest and head on the floor then exhale.
  • Inhale and lift your leg up straight along the knee then exhale and bring the leg back on the floor and rest in the supine position.
  • Repeat the same procedure with the other right leg also.

From both legs together:

  • Lie down on you back with your feet together and hand by the side of your thighs.
  • Just feel relaxed in this supine position.
  • Inhale and raie your both legs, exhale and bring your both legs towards your chest and press the thighs on your abdomen with clasped hands.
  • Breathe in again and as your exhale, lift your head and chest off the floor and touch your chin to your left knee.
  • Hold in there, as your take deep, long breaths in and out.
  • Try to be in this posture as long as possible
  • Inhale and lift your leg up straight along the kne than exhale and bring the leg back on the floor and rest in the supine position
  • Preat the same procedure with the other right leg also.

Benefits of Pawanmuktasana:

  • Strengthens the back
  • Massages the abdominal muscles.
  • Helps in digestion
  • Reduces belly fat.

Therapeutic application of Pawanmuktasana:

  • Indigestion
  • Constipation
  • Acidity
  • Arthritis


            One should avoid practicing this posture if following health issues are there: high blood pressure, heart problem, hyperacidity, hernia, slip disc, testicle disorder, menstruation, neck and back pain problem.


in case of any health issues one should consult a yoga expert and it is also necessary to not exceed our own limitations while practicing